Why Defined Bacterial Consortia?

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There is a large and growing body of scientific evidence supporting the view that serious GI diseases, including IBD and rCDI, are driven by gut dysbiosis and that restoration of a healthy gut microbiome leads to resolution of GI inflammatory processes and re-establishment of colonization resistance against GI pathogens.

Bacterial consortiaare a drug modality uniquely differentiated from antibodies and small molecules in that bacterial consortia can perform complex functions that are the result of the ability of multiple interacting bacterial species to communicate by trading metabolites and dividing the labor of completing complex reactions. These interactions result in various mechanisms of action that are designed to modulate protective immune responses without immunosuppressing the host and bring about a resolution of gut dysbiosis, which we believe is a differentiator in the treatment of complex, multifactorial diseases.

Defined bacterial consortia are composed of naturally occurring commensal bacteria that have evolved to live in association with humans, which is expected to support a favorable safety and tolerability profile, and they are administered orally. These attributes make defined bacterial consortia attractive for use as monotherapies or in combination with existing therapies.

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Phasellus sagittis nunc eu tellus laoreet, et semper lectus scelerisque. In fringilla diam id purus facilisis ornare. In dapibus sapien aliquet elit sollicitudin tincidunt.